What’s new in ¡MIRA!

close-up of lab materials on lab table

For decades, investments have been made toward increasing the diversity of STEM students and professionals through education, outreach, and other strategies.  Unfortunately, these efforts have not resulted in degrees attained or professional workforces that reflect the demographics of our nation, southwest region, or state.  ¡MIRA! was created as a disruptive force in STEM, removing barriers […]

¡MIRA! Students and Professors use the “weird” in quantum computing to answer hard questions

Portrait of Taylor Begaye smiling in front of computer

Zeros and ones, qubits, superpositions, quantum photonics, entanglements, subatomic particles, artificial molecules; all terms that can sound like a foreign language—and that is because, in some sense, the world of quantum computing is. Ph.D. students Jaime Diaz and Taylor Begay-Wilson worked on a project in Bertrand Cambou’s class using IBM’s open software development kit, called qiskit, to better understand quantum computing and […]

Cambou receives award from Intel Corportation to look at protecting the mass memory of the IOT with on-demand generation of session keys.

In one of the first major collaborations of its kind between Intel Corporation and NAU, Dr. Bertrand Cambou successfully obtained funding to support a research project aimed at the development, and validation, of practical schemes targeting the weaker link of the industrial IoT solutions requiring high tamper resistance.  As a part of this research funding, […]

Dr. Cambou & Ph.D. student Saloni Jain paper accepted into Applied Science journal!

Dr. Bertrand Cambou and Ph.D. student Saloni Jain co-authored a paper that was just accepted for publication in the Applied Science magazine of MDPI. The title of the paper is “Key recovery for content protection using ternary PUFs designed with pre-formed ReRAM.”  Look out for it in the Computing and Artificial Intelligence section soon. Congrats […]