Diversity Community Inclusion Equity Innovation Discovery is in our DNA.

The Center for Materials Interfaces in Research & Access (¡MIRA!) at Northern Arizona University (NAU) is a disruptive force in STEM, removing barriers between the worlds of STEM and cultural identities that often serve to limit the participation of historically marginalized communities. 

¡MIRA!, which translates to Look! in Spanish, is an explicit recognition of the multicultural demographics of our state, with a message that deliberately welcomes historically marginalized populations to enter education and career paths in Materials Science and STEM. 

Our Mission

Diversify STEM

More than 50% of ¡MIRA! students and faculty are of historically marginalized populations, a number unheard of for a physical science research center.

Access & Inclusion

We provide vital educational and professional development opportunities to students in supportive environments.

Community Access

iMIRA! cultivates partnerships that transcends NAU's campus, bringing scientific discovery and innovation to our local, regional, and national communities.

Excellence in Materials Science Research

Our diverse students, from first-semester undergraduates to final-semester Ph.D.s, work directly with our award-winning faculty and staff to solve tomorrow's problems today.

"It was really nice being able to see other people succeeding in the sciences who look like me. "
Victoria Girgis
¡MIRA! Scholar, Spring '21

What's New in ¡MIRA!