Abstract Submission: Oral and Poster Presentations
Submit your abstract online via the abstract submission portal.
Abstracts should be written in English. The following information is required:
- Abstract title
- List of authors and their affiliations. The presenting author should be marked.
- Requested presentation type: oral or poster
- Scientist level (Student, Postdoc, or Faculty/Staff)
- Abstract text (max. 350 words without figure). The abstract should fit one A4-sized page.
The abstract should be saved as pdf file and uploaded online. Please name your file as “abstract_firstname_lastname.pdf”. If you have more than one abstract, please add a number on the file name.
An abstract template can be downloaded here.
Poster size
Width : 0.90 m
Height :1.20 m
Deadline **updated**
The abstract submission deadlines have been extended:
For oral presentation (live or virtual) abstract submissions, the new deadline is September 15th, 2021 5:00 P.M MST.
For poster presentations (live or virtual) abstract submissions, the new deadline is September 30th, 2021 5:00 P.M MST.
You will receive an e-mail indicating the review results. The acceptance of an abstract as a poster presentation will be notified to the author as soon as possible. After receiving notification of acceptance, at least one of the authors must register for the conference.
Abstract Publication
All accepted abstracts will be printed in the electronic book of abstracts that will be distributed online to all attending the conference.